Rene Chávez


On-Line Bio Form
Lorena Aceto
Larry and Bonnie Balli
Michelle Barton
Ricardo Bell
Carol Banayot
Leonie Bicard
Rene Chávez
Denise Daubin
Michelle de Clairmont
David Dreher
Benjamin Duran
Jose Maria Duran
Warren Feldman
Tim Groman
Elisa Guevara
Muriel Hasbun
Luis Herrera
Billy Kuri
Raul Lizama
Emilio Mahomar
Florence Mathies
Karen Morales
Roxana Novoa
Clara Palomo
Linda Reyes
Professor Rodriguez
Alvaro Sagrera
Ana Maria Soto
Karl Tomecek
Juan Torrellas
Flora Umańa
Anita Velis
Kelley Woodruff


Rene Chávez




horizontal rule


4 Alison Court
Green Brook, NJ 08812
Tel: 732-424-8921


horizontal rule

If you have any comments or questions or updated info,
contact Tim Groman  tim @ eaclassof79 . org

Also, if you are interested in a "30 years" CLASS REUNION, let me know.


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This site was last updated 01/04/07